Our Vision

At York Archaeology our vision is to pioneer new ways for people to enjoy and also benefit from archaeology. Our strategy is built on our core values – the things that are fundamentally important to us and affect the way we work in addition to the things we want to achieve.

We are committed to:

  • Making a difference in people’s lives through open access to the past.
  • Working seamlessly from archaeological investigation through to compelling public attractions and events, creating authentic, interactive, exciting opportunities for engagement as well as enjoyment.
  • Being an open, collaborative, educational charity.
  • Illuminating the past’s importance, advancing knowledge while also protecting archaeology and heritage.
  • Delivering excellence and value to our clients, visitors and colleagues.
  • Being an exemplary employer.
  • Working sustainably and reducing our environmental impact.

Headline Indicators

£500 Million to York's Economy

In economic terms, JORVIK Viking centre has contributed more than half-a-billion pounds to York’s economy since it opened its doors in 1984. The Coppergate excavations on which JORVIK is based remain one of the greatest archaeological success stories in the UK.

300 Volunteers

We provide a hub for volunteers, with 300 people contributing approximately 6,000 hours each year. This helps us to achieve our goals, while providing an opportunity to deliver the increasingly recognised benefits volunteering provides. 

Learn more about our volunteering opportunities

58,636 School Visits

Each year nearly 60,000 school children come to our attractions, events and activities, extending our impact to the next generation. We also provide in-school learning through face-to-face and virtual outreach sessions. 

Read more about our school visits on our York Archaeology Learning site